Back and Upgraded… Again

Been quiet for a long-while, neh?

RL launched some majorly unexpected (and mostly positive) aggro my direction over the last few months, which stalled my site, upgrading the look/feel of said site, rebuilding the Drupal Curriculum for ACC into Drupal 8 versions, and tweaking on the n00b’s guide.

Timeline, In Short

January - March

Super, duper busy with the site-launches for Moody College. Six different websites with roughly fifty subsites (now running around seventy subsites). There was definitely some crazyness even extending into April.

During this period, my wife’s old Explorer…. well…. let’s just say we got her a NEW Explorer (2015) and it is pretty amazing. Auto Level-Up!

Throughout the time-period, as well, there was a chance I would start working at a company I have long wanted to have a place with: Four Kitchens. I ended up bowing out due to a number of different reasons. I will always cherish the knowledge that I could have worked with the totally awesome crew though and may try exploring that route once more in the future.


Not much heavy-wise in May. I actually mostly took the month to just rest. Found my first grey hairs in March, if that tells how the month went.

June - Today

Here’s where the total crazyness happend. We got a new house! I, personally, had given up on getting a new house anytime soon, but the wife was not to be denied.

Now that the move is totally complete AND I’m decked out in my new office, expect a few more posts here and there.

To Be Continued

Next Big Projects:

  • Composer driven Drupal,
  • Seeing what exposure I can get into getting more people to offer Open Dsylexic as a font,
  • Playing in VS Code, which has recently surpassed in my usage,
  • Diving headfirst into getting my curriculum rewritten for Drupal 8, and
  • Getting more work done on the n00b’s Guide to Drupal!!

Look me up

“No man is an island.” ~ John Donne (1624)

If there’s a mistake, let me know. If I can make it better, let me know.

Thoughts, recommendations, good recipes for cooking pumpkin:

Twitter - @c_leverington github - cleverington d.o - cleverington